Podcast available Spotify, Amazon, Apple and Google
CoCreate Humanity would like to thank Marika Guderian again for her invitation to record a podcast on the topic of "Culture of Care". A challenging exercise for CCH team but we were pleased to talk about this topic that is so closed to our hearts.
"Why do we at times feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained and tired as humanitarians no matter how much we sleep, work out or go on holidays? Stress is part of the job description of a humanitarian when working on the frontlines of war and poverty. But when we establish a culture of care for those who care, our stress becomes less of a burden, because we feel open enough to talk, to have a support system and an inner awareness when to rest. In an inspiring conversation with CoCreate Humanity we learn what self-care truly means that gets us out of the hamster wheel".
Marika's words about the podcast:
We signed up to be a humanitarian to make the world a better place but after a while, we feel distressed and frustrated, question the system altogether and are maybe even ready to call it quits. That was me three years ago.
Today, I hardly remember when I last felt overwhelmed, and far away from quitting my job because I turned my lifestyle upside down. Its time to have open conversations about the challenges that come with working in the humanitarian sector where stress seems part of our job description, moving from one emergency to the next or as nationals, who live and work in those contexts and never leave. When your job is to give, and you don't know how to re-fill your cup, you eventually burn out.
Join me on conversations on self-care here with CoCreate Humanity on my podcast "School of Humanity" and/or message me if you want to join: admin@marikaguderian.com
➡️ Podcast is available here.
We invite you to listen to it and to share the information with your networks.
In the future, CoCreate Humanity aims to open the first care center for humanitarians in Geneva, Switzerland.