The first hour of presentation was recorded.

CoCreate Humanity had the pleasure and the honor to welcome Dr. Tho Ha Vinh. We discovered his incredible journey and how he went from the humanitarian world to Bhutan to "co-creating true Happiness by living in Harmony with Self, Others and Nature".
During the webinar, Dr. Tho Ha Vinh discussed the following points:
Significant field experiences in Darfur and in the Middle East as Head of the Learning and Development Division at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
From remedial action to preventive action: the structural and systemic causes of suffering
Gross National Happiness as a new development paradigm and the Bhutan experience
How can GNH be relevant globally, and in specific fields: Education, business, community wellbeing
Practical case studies
The webinar took place on Wednesday 30 November from 6-8pm (CET). The first hour of presentation was recorded, and the second part of the session, interaction and Q&A with the attendees was not recorded.

Dr. Tho Ha Vinh is the founder of the Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing, former Program Director of the Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan, former Director of Learning and Development at the International Committee of the Red Cross, former Director of the Camphill Seminar for Curative Education in Switzerland.
He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and Education from Geneva University. He has studied Eurythmy and curative Eurythmy in Dornach / Switzerland.
He is also a Buddhist teacher in the Vietnamese Zen tradition, ordained by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.
Tho is the author of several books, many articles and an international speaker.
Discover his last book "A Culture of Happiness: How to Scale Up Happiness from People to Organizations".
Despite countless happiness programs focused on individual well-being, are we any happier, really? Is it in fact possible to be fully happy within a miserably dysfunctional society built to keep structural inequities in place?
Possible, perhaps, but not easy. While the pursuit of happiness is a much-celebrated ideal, how can countries and communities design the right environments for people to lead happy lives? Personal programs for happiness that include mindfulness, empathy, and gratitude are a good start, but without structural changes, they can only go so far. Taking the case of the country of Bhutan as an example, the nation’s former Gross National Happiness program director Tho Ha Vinh explains how the principles of happiness can and must apply to people, families, and communities at scale to produce the conditions for a truly satisfying life.
More and more people feel that we live in a time of transition and that our very survival on this planet depends on renewing the way we live together in society. Gross National Happiness is an innovative development paradigm that puts the happiness of all people and the well-being of all life forms at the center of progress. Based on real-life experiences, this book shows a multitude of practical methods for strategic thinkers and change makers to apply the framework of Gross National Happiness to bring about positive change in schools, businesses, and communities.
His last book in French, available on 25 November, can already be ordered: "The Gross National Happiness. Inner Transformation and Social Renewal" published by Editions Jouvence | "Le Bonheur National Brut. Transformation intérieure et renouveau social" aux Editions Jouvence.
Comment le bonheur peut-il servir de fil conducteur pour enclencher une transformation personnelle et collective ?
Ce livre présente un nouveau modèle de développement qui s’inspire du Bonheur National Brut (BNB) du Bhoutan. Le BNB permet de déployer « les compétences au bonheur », basé à la fois sur les traditions de sagesse de l’humanité et sur les recherches scientifiques contemporaines.
Ce livre porte un message d’espoir fondé sur la conviction que chacun peut contribuer au changement. Cela passe notamment par un processus de transformation de soi et un engagement dans des projets d’innovations sociales centrés sur le bonheur et le bien-être de tous les humains. Vous trouverez ainsi des exemples concrets de mise en oeuvre pour l’individu, la famille, le système éducatif, les organisations et la société.