The webinar took place on 23 June. Recording and presentation are available below.
For the second last webinar before the summer holidays, CoCreate Humanity proposed to talk about transitions in the humanitarian sector.
Leaving the humanitarian sector is one of the most natural things and at the same time one of the least talked about aspects in a life of a professional humanitarian. And maybe that is why there are so many false assumptions and stereotypes.
If you are a humanitarian, and you have these statements going through your mind, then this webinar is for you:
I am tired of being tired and I wish to transition
I am passionate about my work but I want some stability in my life
I wish to transition but I am afraid it won't work, I won't make enough money or I won't find another exciting or fulfilling job
I wish to stay in my current job yet I want to learn how to balance my life as well
I would like to know how others do in transitioning to see if it is for me
I wonder what problems may occur if I transition and how I solve them
I transitioned once but it did not work out so I returned to the humanitarian field
Asel and Viki did their best to demystify the issue of transitioning humanitarians and walk you through many of the assumptions such as life after aid work can never be as exciting as in the aid sector, that you can never earn enough and many more. They will also offer practical tips and solutions. They have addressed the most common fears and questions concerning preparation, financial aspects, strategies, choice of a profession after a humanitarian career, where to look for help, what to keep in mind, how long it takes and many more. Asel and Viki also presented results of a research based on interviews with humanitarians who have left the sector and also shared from their own experiences. As coaches, they believe in the infinite power we all have within and we need to learn how to tap to find answers within and make choices that fit each of us individually.
The Humani-Topic took place on Thursday 23 June from 6 to 8pm (CET).
Hi, I am a life coach, and a humanitarian currently based in Ukraine. I help humanitarians decide whether to transition from a life of survival to one of thriving, designing life on purpose.
The reason why I decided to do this work myself is because I had the feeling of surviving most of my life up to my 30s, having heavy burnout and depression. This led me to realize that I was so tired of being tired. And I decided to change. I wanted a life where I feel I am in charge, I trust my inner knowing, my inner freedom to be doing what I love and wherever Ii love it.
Finding my answers with coaching tools made me help myself and others along the way. If you wish to learn more about me or my work, you can google my name :) or email me at:
As a certified Life and Career coach, I love supporting and accompanying humanitarian professionals like yourself in tapping into your potential, accompanying you through transitions, career change, guiding to finding a better life balance and ultimately becoming better leaders. This allows me to contribute to humanitarian efforts after being a humanitarian, a protection specialist, a coordinator and a manager for 20 years.
In my previous life, I myself experienced massive lows, frustrations, neglected private life, burnout, toxic environments and so much more that allows me to work with aid workers everywhere.
I am based in Bratislava, Slovakia and you can find me on:, or just contact me on: +421 910 479 655.
Asel and Viki, as two humanitarians, life coaches working to support other aid professionals and helping them through transitions, it was probably inevitable that we found each other and decided to join forces to create something great for our fellow humanitarians!